Sometimes it is good to wallow and if you are a hippo then your perspective on wallowing is sheer heaven.  I have been asked a lot recently why I haven’t written any blogs over the last few weeks and to be honest the reason is that I have been feeling very down with all this rain.

As a life coach I always feel I need to project an image of positivity and always looking for the best perspective on things. After weeks of relentless rain I was struggling with both my positivity and my perspective – although I have to admit my lawn is sporting a fantastic shade of bright green, but even that hasn’t been enough to lift my spirits.

While talking to a friend this last week, she said I should write a blog about how I am feeling. I thought it might be seen as negative and then I realised that there is a lot to be said for sharing how one feels and that it is ok, even for a life coach, to feel down about life.

One of the powerful aspects of life coaching is that it allows you to acknowledge where you are in your life without any judgement, and to give yourself permission to be with your emotions and not fight them. We wouldn’t be human if we were always happy and laughing. We need to experience the dark times and the tears to get a balance.

Once I allowed myself to acknowledge the fact that I wasn’t feeling great, I was able to be honest when someone asked me how I was and I told them I was miserable. They almost seemed relieved because they were also feeling down about the weather, so we both reminisced about sunshine and how we need to book a holiday.

After I had given myself permission to be miserable I felt like I had taken the pressure off, and the ironic thing was that it wasn’t long before I started to feel good again – and the most bizarre part was that the sun came out.

I hope this blog will help you to give yourself permission to allow yourself to sometimes just be with an emotion. If that is considered a negative one, then just acknowledge it and for that period be in the perspective of a hippo. Draw comfort from the fact we all have the inner resources we need to pick ourselves up and when we do the sun will shine again….

Here’s hoping for a good summer.

I subscribe to Yoga magazine as I find the articles both interesting and practical and often relevant to my coaching sessions. Recently I read an interesting article on meditation myths.  I am trying to incorporate meditation into my life and find it a real challenge to still my thoughts (as do most meditation novices).

It is very frustrating when you feel you can’t control your mind and all these random thoughts keep rushing backwards and forwards for no logical reason. We expend far too much energy on thoughts of the past (which is now history), worrying about the future (which we really have very little control over) and so why do we do it?

I was coaching a client a few weeks ago, who by her own admission, expends too much mental energy worrying about the future. She is not alone as we are all guilty of such practice. I shared with her what I had read in Eckhart Tolle’s book – A New Earth – that we only ever live in the present and that even when we get to the future it is still the present…therefore surely the only thing we ever need to focus on (notice I haven’t used the word ‘worry’) is the present?

So I wanted to share a tip with you that I got from the article on mind mastery meditation to help you stay in the present. Instead of trying to fight your thoughts away and feeling annoyed that there are so many of them; rather just observe them floating by as if they are all on clouds just passing by.

I found this does two things – firstly it takes the pressure off of having to be good at meditation (if you are meditating but you can practice this during your normal day when you become aware of your thoughts or find yourself worrying).

Secondly, it gives us the ability to take a step back and watch our minds, instead of being our minds. When ever we go away on holiday we get perspective on our lives as we have stepped out of our day to day. This little practice will help you to keep perspective and to be more in the present moment.

Happy cloud watching…

As a life coach I learn so much from my clients, which is one of the reasons why I love what I do and never feel like it is work. I had such a great session today, which my client has given permission for me to share.

When she started life coaching she wanted to have everything happen at once – she felt that it was all taking too long and she wanted it all now. Today she told me that she realised that her greatest learning during the coaching journey has been Acceptance – acceptance that time cannot be fast-forwarded, that the clock only ticks as fast as it is meant to. As she held her little daughters feet in her hands she realised how much they had already grown and it made her realise how quickly time does actually move but if we wish it away we don’t notice the subtle changes which we can never get back. I thought it was something for us all to remember that we need to learn to live in the moment and realise that the future will only happen as fast as it is meant to and in the meantime the lesson is to notice the immediate moment of which we will never get back.

Children are our greatest markers of time as they grow so quickly – we do too but we don’t realise it as we are rushing around so much worrying about what we should be doing or agonising over what we didn’t do. Just stop, take a deep breath and accept that life moves at the pace it is meant to. If we don’t we will always be in a constant state of exhaustion and frustration.

I was in Dorset last week spending time with my new little god daughter and I was just so in awe of watching my friend doing such a fabulous job of juggling a new born and a toddler (of which I am sure many of you reading this will know only too well how hard this is). Not being a mother I find it interesting – and to be honest often quite sad – that when women become mothers their position in society seems to go straight to the bottom of the pile. Even the dog gets preference. Whilst I love animals I do find it hard when I see women not making any time for themselves, even in the smallest of ways. They seem to just struggle to cope with the many demands of the day to day.

So many of my clients come to coaching just so they can give themselves the small gift of their coaching time to re-connect with who they were before they became mothers. Time to really talk and time to be really listened to. Time to have the focus just on them and time to make a list of the things they want to do for themselves. Why is it that women are still in so many ways the inferior sex? While I don’t consider myself a feminist, I do believe that women should know their self worth and be true to themselves in terms of their own needs. I understand that being a parent requires a certain amount of sacrifice but surely that shouldn’t be to the detriment of losing one’s sense of self.

To all the mothers out there – always remember you were a woman in your own right before you became a mother and your children will leave home one day and you will need to re-connect with who you once were. Don’t leave it too long that you end up not knowing yourself.

Make time for yourself – no matter how small that time may be.



Have you ever counted how many different log ins and passwords/numbers you have for websites and credit/debit cards, passports etc etc?

A friend told me about this application called 1 Password and I can strongly recommend it as you never have to remember anything again. Your whole life is in this one application which can be shared by anyone you set it up with.

In line with trying to simplify ones’s life which was mentioned in yesterday’s blog – Playing with the moon – I thought this would be useful to everyone.

Follow the link below.