
Everyone loves a fairytale, especially one that ends with ‘they lived happily ever after…’ Hopefully Kate and William will do just that. They certainly make a lovely looking couple and seem very happy. We are all waiting for the famous kiss on the balcony at 1.25pm (no room for spontaneity at this wedding). Apparently it is ‘not done’ to kiss in the church as explained on one of the many royal wedding websites –

“There will be no kiss during the wedding ceremony,” explained the Very Reverend Dr. John Hall, the dean of Westminster and the man responsible for overseeing the spiritual life of Westminster Abbey. “We don’t do that in the Church of England. That’s sort of a Hollywood thing: ‘ You may now kiss the bride.’ It doesn’t happen here.”

‘No matter what your views are on the Monarchy you will struggle to escape the Royal Wedding mania as little Britain is certainly taking centre stage right now.

It is unbelievable to see the number of people camping on the streets just to get a glimpse of the royal procession. It is estimated that 2 billion viewers will be watching the wedding which is not hard to believe when one sees the number of TV crews set up outside Buckingham Palace – even the Philippines is being represented. We all loved Diana and, for those of us old enough, we remember clearly her wedding day when she walked so nervously down what must have seemed like a never-ending isle in her very large wedding gown. While all the festivities are going on – there is also a debate regarding the need for the Monarchy.

Right now I think who cares about details such as whether the Monarchy should exist – lets just enjoy the wonderful energy flowing all around the world as we watch Kate and William say ‘I do’.


Have you ever counted how many different log ins and passwords/numbers you have for websites and credit/debit cards, passports etc etc?

A friend told me about this application called 1 Password and I can strongly recommend it as you never have to remember anything again. Your whole life is in this one application which can be shared by anyone you set it up with.

In line with trying to simplify ones’s life which was mentioned in yesterday’s blog – Playing with the moon – I thought this would be useful to everyone.

Follow the link below.



Did you see the magnificent full moon last night? I took this photo just for fun to give a different perspective on what we normally know as the perfect round ball. It is still the same moon and lights of Tunbridge Wells but not as we would normally see them.

I love the full moon and have always made it a conscious part of my life. It represents a very sad time for me, but rather than seeing it as a negative, it has become a symbol of how precious life is. The full moon appears every 28 days, which when you start to take notice of it you realise just how quickly it comes around again.

Life operates at a crazy pace today, but if we can find meaning in small things that occur regularly in our lives, it offers a moment to just stand still and be thankful for all we have and who we have in our lives.

Nature is a wonderful way of marking time – it might seem like spring has only just sprung, but the daffodils have mostly finished blooming and won’t be seen again for another year. Did you take time to notice them…

I would love to hear how others notice time (apart from seeing how quickly children grow as watching them really does make me feel like the days are flying by far too quickly!)


As British Airways was taking off and I watched the lights of the city recede into insignificance it made me think about what perspective most of us are in when it comes to life.

Whenever I book a seat I like to face forward. I asked my husband what he preferred and he thought it was an odd question as he doesn’t mind – a seat is a seat.

For me it is important. I like to watch things getting bigger as I approach them. If you are going backwards you only see things once they have passed and invariably they are getting smaller. So in essence, when you face forward – you greet life and when you go backwards – you say good-bye as you have no option but to see things receding (unless you don’t mind getting a stiff neck).

Both seats are on the same plane, train, boat or whatever other means of transport you choose but each gives you a different perspective. Life is all about what perspective we choose to be in. After all it is all one earth, one air, one life.

What seat do you prefer – F or B?

How many of you have been to the Dead Sea?

I read in a recent copy of Yoga magazine about Floatworks at London Bridge – the world’s largest floatation centre. I managed to convince my poor unsuspecting friend (to be honest I didn’t know what to expect either) that it was going to be fun and peaceful. I told her it would be like being back in the womb (not that I have a clear recollection of that particular part of my life) which I am sure was very peaceful.

Anyway, this wasn’t quite like being back in the womb  – for one thing you are lying horizontal and not turning in constant circles. It is amazing how babies don’t get nauseous, as that can be one of the side affects of floating – strange as you feel pretty still when you float due to the super saturated salt solution.  The lady at reception said one’s reaction to floating all depends on where you carry your stress. My friend discovered she holds tension in her stomach and I realised just how much tension I hold in my neck. When you are alone with yourself for an hour in a silent pod just floating you discover a lot about your body and how it handles stress.

Luckily, all these symptoms are fleeting and you emerge back onto street level feeling incredibly light, re-energised, re-hydrated and on a totally different wave length to the rest of the chaos going on in the London streets.

While I wouldn’t float every week, research has shown there are many benefits to floating, of which stress relief is one of the biggest, and therefore  I would definitely suggest giving it a try. Below are a few websites to check out and if you Google ‘benefits of floating’ you will see just how long the list is – definitely something to consider.




Welcome to my blog post.

I have finally found the courage to set this blog up and hope it will make for fun and insightful reading. As a Life Coach I am fascinated with people and the process of change. My niche focus is women in transition, in particular working with them to believe they are capable of change and really can have the life they want to. My observations will be both personal as well as from a professional point of view.

I love to watch animal behaviour as I believe we can learn so much from observing how perfectly nature operates. I took this photo yesterday of Nomsa (Zulu for passion) running in the bluebells and felt it personified both freedom and new beginnings. For me Spring represents new beginnings and growth – which is what life coaching is all about and freedom is one of my strongest values.